General Motors short-term liquidity analysis. Discover the company's current ratio, working capital, and quick ratio (acid test ratio) as well as the credit facilities....
General Motors short-term liquidity analysis. Discover the company's current ratio, working capital, and quick ratio (acid test ratio) as well as the credit facilities....
GM's debt level and debt breakdown analysis. Find out the debt from the Automotive and GM Financial. Discover GM's net debt, debt vs revenue, credit rating, etc....
Comparison between Tesla and General Motors from the perspective of revenue, profit and margin per car....
Explore Tata Motors' passenger vehicle sales numbers and the growth rates. Discover the company's utility vehicle and car sales within the passenger vehicle segment....
Explore BYD's vehicle sale numbers globally. Discover the company's new energy vehicle (NEV) and fossil-fueled vehicle sales....
Explore the statistics of Ford Automotive and Ford Credit debt, which include the total debt, net debt, cash, debt to equity ratio, payments due, credit ratings, etc....
Philip Morris International (PMI) cigarette sales and shipment volume by brand names, including Marlboro, Chesterfield, L&M, Parliament, Sampoerna, etc....
Comparison of Ford Motor and Tesla from the perspective of revenue per car, profit per vehicle, vehicle margin, and operating margin....
Stellantis car sales and market share in the Middle East and Africa. Discover sales and market share in countries such as Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, The Gulf, etc....
Explore AMD's profit by segment and profit margin in the data center, gaming, client, and embedded business segments. Find out also the profit contribution and growth rates....