Image: Pixabay
Over the years, we tend to see certain companies rise to a certain elite level of prominence in stock markets. This does not necessarily mean that they have the most valuable stock prices. But through a combination of price clout, market sway, and general company prominence in consumers’ lives, these stocks stand out in the news and in our memories.
In the 2000s for instance, there was a lot of focus on red-hot companies in the food and beverage space, and even casual market observers were aware of the positions of the likes of Starbucks and Panera Bread. The 2010s were dominated by tech, with Apple, Amazon, and Netflix representing a lot of people’s primary reference points in the stock markets.
So which stocks will we ultimately look back on as the ones that help to define the decade we’ve only just begun? Part of the intrigue of this topic is that we really just don’t know! But if early signs and forecasted trends are of any use, the following could be some of the companies and stocks we pay the closest attention to throughout the 2020s.
Depending on where you live in the world, Huawei is either a massive company you’re thoroughly conscious of or one you may barely have heard of. In reality, it is a China-based telecommunications company that is expanding its international reach in Africa, Europe, and elsewhere (though the U.S. is resisting its influence).
The reason it makes this list though is that as of 2020, Huawei is leading the race to install 5G networks. It’s not alone, and the U.S. in particular will have some serious competitors vying for influence. But Huawei looks to be the leading name in establishing the next generation of wireless connectivity, which should keep it prominent for the next decade.
Apple is our one “repeat’ stock on this list, in that it was perhaps the dominant market asset of the 2010s, and should be just as prominent moving forward. This is partly because it is the biggest consumer tech company in the world, and is thus well-positioned to lead the way toward the next generation of personal hardware (such as smart glasses).
Additionally though, while Huawei may be dominating the 5G network landscape, Apple’s latest phone launches suggest that it may be able to establish itself as the go-to company for 5G-compatible products.
The marketing behind the latest iPhone lineup has focused largely on the fact that these devices give users access to 5G. Apple is not at all alone in being able to do this, but it does appear to be developing a strong reputation regarding 5G.
One could make the argument that Tesla belongs on retrospective lists like this for the 2010s, even though its greatest prominence came toward the end of the decade. Regardless, this absolutely looks to be one of the dominant stocks of the decade to come.
Tesla is far out in front in the race to make consumer-friendly electric vehicles mainstream; the company is developing additional eco-conscious products that will be more significant in the coming years; and even the increasingly loud success of sister company SpaceX could further boost Tesla’s reputation.
Throw in the possibility of Tesla’s involvement in the establishment of widespread automated transport (we’re thinking self-driving Tesla Ubers), and there’s no question we’ll be talking about this company a lot for years to come.
If we consider companies that have already had impressive stock performances early in this decade, Tencent — the Chinese tech company best known for its work in gaming and AI — has to make the list. The company’s relatively recent listing on the Hang Seng Index (measuring the most impactful stocks trading in Hong Kong) was enough to boost the entire index toward a partial COVID recovery.
The HSI’s trading performance has been up and down, but there’s been a clear uptick since Tencent’s addition in the fall. This early demonstration of strength, combined with the fact that Tencent is enormously influential in the super-sized industry of online gaming, points to continued prominence for many years.
Beyond Meat
Beyond Meat may be more of a reach than the other massive companies discussed here. But there’s also a real chance that more sustainable food supplies become a major talking point in the next decade, and that as a result, reliable alternative meats become quite popular.
Beyond Meat has already become a noteworthy company in the food sector, and appears poised to take the lead in an emerging industry. If that comes to pass, we’ll be talking about this brand quite a lot.
Investors Takeaway
Again, this does not mean that these companies are all necessarily worth buying into. Huawei will have stiff competition; Apple will continue to see its ups and downs; we held our own debate about the better buy between Tesla and GM, speaking to competition there as well; and Tencent and Beyond Meat still have a lot to prove. We aren’t advising investment here.
We are predicting though that one way or another these will be among the stocks that dominate the next decade’s market discussions.
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